In November 2023 Ofsted graded Grazebrook Primary School as Outstanding once again. We are incredibly proud of this as Ofsted highlighted reading as being at the heart of the school community and clearly underpins the whole curriculum. Every child holds an intrinsic motivation to read and develop their vocabulary and builds on their lifelong love for reading:
”Reading runs through all that happens at the school. It is prioritised from day one of Reception Year, where children begin to learn phonics through a well-structured programme. Teachers have the expertise to ensure that all pupils become accurate and fluent readers. Training provided to teaching staff enables them to deliver the phonics scheme with fidelity. Assessments are used to identify any gaps in knowledge, and any that are present are quickly filled by expertly led additional teaching support. Pupils’ outcomes in the phonics screening check are strong,
although leaders only see this as a first step. They also focus sharply on making sure that pupils have a strong understanding of what they are reading and develop
a love of books. Pupils are immersed in books, language and stories. All of this leads to pupils becoming fluent and joyful readers.”
Here is a link to our Ofsted Report, November 2023
Our phonics and end of Key Stage 1 results also reflect our commitment to excellence
Factors which have helped us to achieve our results include:
- our fidelity to a systematic, synthetic phonics scheme;
- the way our early years’ curriculum is designed around high quality texts;
- our dedication to creating language rich learning environments;
- the way we embed vocabulary teaching throughout the curriculum;
- the emphasis we place on reading for pleasure;
- our partnership with parents to support reading at home;
- the way we create beautiful reading areas and celebrate books.
We are very excited to have the opportunity to share the expertise we have developed with other schools and to support them in their own journeys to raising standards.
We work with schools in the following regions: